
Correr Spanish Conjugation

Do you want to master the art of conjugating the Spanish verb ‘correr’?

Get ready to sprint through this article and discover the ins and outs of conjugating ‘correr’ in various tenses.

Just like a well-coordinated runner, you’ll navigate effortlessly through the present, past, future, conditional, and imperative tenses.

By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to use ‘correr’ in different contexts.

So lace up your language skills and let’s dive into the world of Spanish conjugation!

Key Takeaways

  • Correr is an irregular verb in Spanish and doesn’t follow regular conjugation patterns.
  • The past tense conjugation of correr is ‘corriste’.
  • The future tense conjugation of correr is: yo correré, tú correrás, él/ella/usted correrá, nosotros/nosotras correremos, vosotros/vosotras correréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes correrán.
  • The imperative conjugation of correr is singular – ‘corre’ and plural – ‘corred’.

Present Tense Conjugation of Correr in Spanish

You’re running fast in the present tense conjugation of correr in Spanish. When using this verb in the present tense, there are several common phrases and expressions that can be used.

For example, ‘corro todos los días’ means ‘I run every day,’ and ‘corres muy rápido’ means ‘you run very fast.’ These phrases can be helpful when talking about your running habits or abilities.

To improve your running techniques and endurance while practicing correr in Spanish, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, make sure to warm up before you start running. This can help prevent injuries and improve your overall performance.

Additionally, try incorporating interval training into your routine. Alternating between running at a faster pace and a slower pace can help increase your endurance.

Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Rest when needed and don’t push yourself too hard. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Past Tense Conjugation of Correr in Spanish

Did you run in the past tense conjugation of correr, or did you choose a different verb?

In Spanish, the past tense conjugation of correr is ‘corriste.’ This form is used when talking about running in the past.

It’s important to note that the verb correr is irregular, meaning it doesn’t follow the regular conjugation patterns of other verbs.

When comparing the past tense conjugation of correr to other verbs, there are some noticeable differences. For example, regular verbs typically add -ed or -d to form the past tense, while correr changes its stem and adds -iste.

Additionally, correr is one of the most commonly used verbs in Spanish, and there are several expressions that use its past tense, such as ‘corriste mucho’ (you ran a lot) or ‘corriste rápido’ (you ran fast).

Understanding the past tense conjugation of correr is essential for speaking Spanish fluently.

Future Tense Conjugation of Correr in Spanish

Will you run in the future tense conjugation of correr, or will you choose a different verb?

In Spanish, the future tense is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future.

To conjugate regular verbs in the future tense, you simply add the appropriate endings to the infinitive form of the verb.

For correr, which means ‘to run,’ the future tense conjugation is as follows:

yo correré (I will run)

tú correrás (you will run)

él/ella/usted correrá (he/she/you formal will run)

nosotros/nosotras correremos (we will run)

vosotros/vosotras correréis (you all will run)

ellos/ellas/ustedes correrán (they/you all will run).

It’s important to note that correr is an irregular verb in the future tense, so it doesn’t follow the regular conjugation rules.

Conditional Tense Conjugation of Correr in Spanish

If you were to run in the conditional tense conjugation of correr, how would you conjugate it? The conditional tense of correr, which means ‘to run’ in English, is formed by adding the endings -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían to the infinitive correr.

So, for example, if you were to say ‘I would run’ in Spanish, you’d say ‘Yo correría’.

Using the conditional tense with correr in real life situations can express hypothetical actions or desires. For instance:

  • Si tuvieras más tiempo, correrías todos los días. (If you’d more time, you’d run every day)
  • Si ganara la carrera, correría de alegría. (If I won the race, I’d run for joy)

Common mistakes to avoid when conjugating correr in the conditional tense include:

  • Forgetting to change the infinitive ending to -ería.
  • Mixing up the subject pronouns and the verb endings.
  • Omitting the accent mark on the í in the endings.

Imperative Tense Conjugation of Correr in Spanish

Can you tell me how to conjugate ‘correr’ in the imperative tense and when to use it? In Spanish, the imperative tense is used to give commands or instructions. When conjugating ‘correr’ in the imperative tense, you will use the following forms:

Singular Plural
Corre Corred
Run Run (plural)

To form the imperative in Spanish, simply remove the subject pronoun and add the appropriate ending. The singular form ‘corre’ is used when addressing one person, while the plural form ‘corred’ is used when addressing multiple people.

The imperative tense is not only used with ‘correr’, but also with other verbs in Spanish. Here are some examples of other verbs conjugated in the imperative tense:

Verb Singular Plural
Hablar Habla Hablad
Speak Speak (plural)
Comer Come Comed
Eat Eat (plural)
Escribir Escribe Escribid
Write Write (plural)

Learning the imperative tense in Spanish allows you to effectively give commands or instructions. Practice conjugating different verbs to become more comfortable with this tense.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Common Expressions or Idioms That Use the Verb "Correr" in Spanish?

To use the verb ‘correr’ in Spanish, there are common expressions and idioms you can learn. For instance, "correr riesgos" means to take risks, and "correr como loco" means to run like crazy.

Are There Any Irregularities or Exceptions in the Conjugation of "Correr" in Different Tenses?

Are there any irregularities or exceptions in the conjugation of ‘correr’ in different tenses? Yes, there are irregularities in the present tense and some stem changes in the preterite and future tense.

How Can I Use the Verb "Correr" in the Subjunctive Mood?

To use the verb ‘correr’ in the subjunctive mood, you’ll need to understand how it differs from other verbs in Spanish. Let’s dive into the key rules and conjugation patterns for ‘correr’ in the subjunctive.

Are There Any Regional Variations or Differences in the Conjugation of "Correr" in Spanish?

Yes, there are regional variations in the conjugation of ‘correr’ in Spanish. Some regions may have slight differences in verb endings or pronunciations. Additionally, there are many common expressions and idioms that use the verb ‘correr’ in Spanish.

Can You Provide Some Examples of How to Use "Correr" in Different Contexts or Sentences?

In the past tense, ‘correr’ changes to ‘corriste’ (you ran). Some common adverbs to describe different running actions are ‘rápidamente’ (quickly), ‘lentamente’ (slowly), and ‘constantemente’ (constantly).


In conclusion, when it comes to conjugating the verb ‘correr’ in Spanish, it’s like trying to catch a chicken running loose in a field.

The present tense chases after it, the past tense tries to catch up with it, the future tense anticipates its sprint, the conditional tense dreams of catching it, and the imperative tense commands it to stop.

So, grab your running shoes and get ready to chase after those conjugations like a determined sprinter!

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